Wednesday, September 26, 2007

And now it's time to start our day!

Every day around 10:30 we come to the line to "start our day" We start by doing the calendar where we find out what day it is and what day of the month it is. 


Kai being our calendar helper


Next a meteorologist is chosen to check the weather and report it to the class, they then post the weather on our board.

Summer A

Summer being a weather helper

 Summer A

A pledge leader is chosen and after getting the flag asks the class to "Please rise"  They hold out their right hands and we sing a song to place our right hands on our heart and our left hands behind our back. (It's adorable when they hold their hand on their neck or tummy, not quite sure where their heart is :) ) The pledge leader then says "Please repeat the pledge" After saying the pledge we also sing the National Anthem, now this IS the best part.  Sophie belts it out so loud, and sweet Danica sings in her high pitch opera voice.  All sorts of new words are invented as they are "trying" to sing the anthem and it is one of the cutest things ever!


Floretina, Sophie, Brandon, Ethan, Danica, Kaden H, Satchel

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