Thank you everyone for your wonderful emails and feedback! It means SO much to me. I am so glad to work with each of your children and with each of you as parents. Your appreciation is so wonderful, thank you!
Miss Brianna
Thank you everyone for your wonderful emails and feedback! It means SO much to me. I am so glad to work with each of your children and with each of you as parents. Your appreciation is so wonderful, thank you!
Miss Brianna
Are your kids doing strange poses and saying strange things at home?! We are doing yoga in Preschool North! :) The kids absolutely love it! Some poses they can show you are: tree, cobra, butterfly, the bow, candle, lotus flower.
I love Olivia on the sidelines! She was so intrigued by this work. At the end of the video you see Satchel raise his hand to show a teacher that he matched them all up and we listen to them together.
Satchel is always making the cutest/funniest/most random faces! It is adorable and I very discreetly caught him on camera doing the sound cylinders. He is matching a red cylinder with a blue cylinder, you see him shake his head and of course make faces as he determines whether they sound alike! :)
The first video he realizes he is going to run out of table space so he very precisely re-arranges the work, however I could tell it was going to be a long process because he was so meticulous, so I had to pause and re-start filming :)
Coral is one of the sweetest students I have EVER had! She does the cutest things too :) We have to watch closely when she goes in the bathroom because she LOVES water and she could stay in there all day and just wash her hands over, and over, and over! Any work in the class that involves water is always her favorite. She's got the cleanest hands in the class!
Brayden often raises his hand and does this adorable "thinking pose" while he tries to think of what he is going to say. I just happened to catch it on camera :)
Here is the class singing our continents song. I especially LOVE how Caden Hancock is dancing and summer with her "rambo headband!"
During work I was walking past Ethan and he was singing his continents song, it was adorable! and being the proud teacher I am I HAD to grab the camera!
We have a vegetable cutting work where the children either cut up carrots or apples and serve them to their friends
Brandon serving apples to Chloe and Nishit
Once they are done serving they place all the dishes used in a bin by the sink to be washed.
Sophie & Boston washing dishes
Nishit, Kaden, Satchel, Chloe getting a lesson on dishwashing
Phonogram hands- Collin, Kadyn, Nishit, Coral, Danica, Sydney, Florentina
Olivia, Boston, Nicholas, Seth, Sophie, Chloe, Summer
Brandon, Sophie
Kaden H, Chloe, Brayden
We sing a song in Preschool about having animals on our heads and it makes the kids laugh so hard their faces turn red and tears are coming from their eyes!
Florentina, Nishit, Seth, Boston, Brayden, Ethan, Kaden
We have a 50 gallon tank in our classroom which the children really enjoy! They are tons of fish and the types of fish we have are always having babies, so if your child ever tells you that Miss Brianna was fishing, it is probably true. We catch the babies and put them in a separate tank so they are not mistaken for food. Once they are big enough they go back in the tank and we get to watch them grow!
Nishit, Brayden, Kai, Summer
Posted: October 5, 2007
The swings are a HOT commodity! and Miss Brianna is the faithful servant pusher! :) I would have to say Nishit is the biggest fan, he and Aditi could stay on the swings for eternity and never tire! Boston, Ethan and Caden Hancock have mastered the art of pumping their legs now so it is a whole new level of excitement because they can get themselves SO high with no help!
Nishit, Ethan, Kaden H, Boston, Florentina, Chloe
Kai, Cambree, Florentina, Olivia